Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Today in Art class our middle school students spent a few minutes doing a self-evaluation. They looked at the checklist/rubric for the still life drawings and circled the areas on the checklist already completed. Then, Mrs. Nichols walked around to talk to individuals about what they still needed to do to their drawings. Most of the students were doing a fabulous job with adding very smooth values to the drawings! The primary  area needing improvement was simply adding enough values, from dark to light, and blending between them. If you have a good drawing, it can be a little intimidating to add a bunch of gray values to it. This drawing technique takes a lot of practice to perfect!
After talking about the rubric, we used a black and white photograph as a visual aid to help us with matching the dark and light values in the still life. 

"gray scale" photo of a still life arrangement

Rubric/Checklist for Advanced Art 8th graders

Rubric/Checklist for 6th and 7th grade students