Monday, September 26, 2016


     People love to argue about what makes a work of art "good" or "bad!" Believe it or not, there is a philosophy called "Aesthetics" that means, "the study of beauty, meaning, and value in art." Today in Art class we learned about the three primary Aesthetic theories. But first, a little history lesson:

........Long ago, everyone thought a work of art needed to look realistic in order to be successful. If you were an artist, you had to be highly skilled in drawing and painting, studying and practicing for years. Realism was the goal, and there was no way for an artist to paint in any other way. Then, towards the end of the 19th century, the camera was invented. Suddenly artists realized they didn't have to labor for hours and hours to make a painting look realistic - they could just take a picture! 
The 20th century saw an explosion of creative new ways of painting, from Cubism to Fauvism and Futurism, Op Art to Pop Art, artists were thinking of all kinds of crazy styles! (Here is a link to a fun one minute video about the history of painting: One Minute Art Lesson; Artopia)

     People began talking about what kinds of art they thought were important and valuable, and those of us in the "Art World" decided upon three primary Aesthetic theories of what makes "good" art:
1. Realism - if an artwork is made to copy nature in a highly skilled manner, this is called Realism. Artists who paint, sculpt, and draw in a realistic manner have to practice for years to perfect their craft. Realism is straightforward, and many people appreciate the time and skill it takes to create it.  
2. Expressionism - if an artwork communicates an idea or an emotion, it is successful. It doesn't need to be realistic, just expressive! (Many artists also don't believe that their work needs to be designed very well as long as they are "expressing themselves," but I disagree.) Expressive art is not always pretty to look at. Remember, art comes out of the human condition and our ideas and emotions are not always pleasant!  
3. Formalism - this Aesthetic theory is based on good design and beauty. Some people in the art world believe that an artwork does not need to express anything as long as it is beautiful! It also does not need to be realistic, it just needs to be designed really well. 

     In your art teacher's opinion, the very best works of art, the ones with "staying power," have elements of ALL three Aesthetic theories! For me to have great appreciation for an artwork, it needs to have elements of Realism, Expressionism, AND Formalism. That is just my opinion! 

Our objectives for the day:

1. I can be a respectful audience member during the videos about Alabama artists.
2. I can write down at least 3 facts during the videos:
     I can describe the artists' inspiration.
     I can explain which Aesthetic theory might apply to the artists' work; Realism, Expressionism, or Formalism.

Video #1: Becky Guinn, painter

Video #2: Don Stewart, pen and ink artist (visual puns)

Video #3: Chad Nelson, potter

Video #4: Becky Morgan, collage artist 

Video #5: Charles Lee Moore, civil rights photographer
I Fight With My Camera, Youtube

Video #6: Robin Wade, furniture designer